Regions Supplied:
Company Notes:
Loca Beef available l-from our farm, Healthy-no hormones & antibiotics, Tender-dry aged 28 days, Quality "AAA" product - raising beef for 3 generations.
We also offer quality, local grocery items as well and local freshly picked vegetables available seasonally grown on our farm.
Products Available:
Availability: Year Round
Specialty beef, from our farm. No hormones, antibiotics, and all veg. fed. Dry-aged 28 days resulting in ultimate tenderness.
Specialty Chicken
Availability: Year Round
We offer Specialty Chicken available from small local farms. No hormones, antibiotics, and all vegged.
Specialty Port Cuts
We offer Specialty Pork available from small local farms. No hormones, antibiotics, and all vegged.
Deli products - Jerky, Sausage, Deli Meats
Availability: Year Round
We have our own smokehouse, where we make pepperoni, sausage, deli meats, jerky etc. All made with our specialty beef, chicken and pork. Very low fat & salt content and perservatives. Gluten-free
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